Article 1. We the Sovereigns of the peoples of New Territory, down to Hauraki, being assembled at Waitangi, in the northern area, on the 28th day of October 1835, Proclaim our Sovereignty over our substantive Territory, which we Publish and Proclaim is Sovereign Territory, constituted as "The Congress of Hapu of Nu Tireni.
Article 2. Absolute authority and responsibility herein the territories of the Congress of Nu Tireni is hereby Proclaimed to reside solely with we the Sovereigns, in our collective capacity we will not permit any form of legislation or governance to be exercised within the said Territories of the Congress of New Territory, unless by persons appointed by us, and acting under the authority of laws ratified by us in Congress assembled.
Article 3. We the Sovereigns agree to meet in Congress at Waitangi in the Autumn of each year, for the ratification of laws, for the dispensing of justice, the preserving of peace and good order, and the regulation of trade; and we invite foreign Counsels to clear their water and consult with us as to the wellbeing of our Territory by joining with us the Congress of New Territory.
Article 4. We also agree to send a copy of our Proclamation to the King of England, to thank him for his acknowledgment of our Flag. In return for the support and protection we have shown, and will continue to show, to such of his Subjects as have settled here, or come here to trade, we request that the King be Steward for our young State, and Protector of our Sovereignty.
Agreed to unanimously on this 28th day of October 1835, in the presence of the Resident of the King of England.
Agreed to unanimously on this 28th day of October 1835, in the presence of the Resident of the King of England.