I Victoria, the Queen of England, anxious to preserve the wellbeing of the Sovereigns and the Hapu of New Territory, and in my intent to protect their Sovereignty, their Territories and to uphold the Peace and Good Order, consider it Honourable to appoint an Administrator who will consult with the Native people of New Territory - and see that they are in agreeance with their Sovereigns in permitting the Queen’s Administrative Governance to be established in all places of this Nation and its Territories – taking into account the many of my Subjects already living here and others invited to come.
Therefore, I the Queen would like to put in order an Administrative Governance so that no harm will befall the Native People by Non-native people trespassing.
Hence, the Queen has willingly appointed me William Hobson a Captain in the Royal Navy to be Governor for all parts of New Territory that may now and later be granted to the Queen in perpetuity and offers to the Sovereigns of the Congress of Hapu of Nu Tireni and the other Chiefs the articles of agreement set out here.
Therefore, I the Queen would like to put in order an Administrative Governance so that no harm will befall the Native People by Non-native people trespassing.
Hence, the Queen has willingly appointed me William Hobson a Captain in the Royal Navy to be Governor for all parts of New Territory that may now and later be granted to the Queen in perpetuity and offers to the Sovereigns of the Congress of Hapu of Nu Tireni and the other Chiefs the articles of agreement set out here.
Article the First. The Sovereigns of the Congress and all the Chiefs who may join the Congress grant in perpetuity to the Queen of England absolute Administrative Governance in their Territory.
Article the Second. I the Queen of England agree to protect the Sovereigns, their Hapu and all the people of New Territory enacting their Sovereign State of their Territories, their communities and all their resources. When enacted the Sovereigns of the Congress and the other Chiefs (when joined) will trade titles of usage of their land to the Queen for fair consideration agreed to by the person owning it and by the person buying it, the latter being appointed by the Queen as her purchasing agent.
Article the Second. I the Queen of England agree to protect the Sovereigns, their Hapu and all the people of New Territory enacting their Sovereign State of their Territories, their communities and all their resources. When enacted the Sovereigns of the Congress and the other Chiefs (when joined) will trade titles of usage of their land to the Queen for fair consideration agreed to by the person owning it and by the person buying it, the latter being appointed by the Queen as her purchasing agent.
Article the Third. Therefore, in order to seal this agreement of Administrative Governance by the Queen – the Queen of England will protect all the Native people of New Territory and will grant to them the same rights of the peoples of England.
(Signed) William Hobson,
Consul & Lieutenant Governor.
We the Sovereigns of the Congress of the Hapu of New Territory gather at Waitangi in unity with other Chiefs of Nu Tireni to see the words have the correct meaning and communicate the intent, which we so acknowledge and thus in agreeance we make our marks.
(Signed) William Hobson,
Consul & Lieutenant Governor.
We the Sovereigns of the Congress of the Hapu of New Territory gather at Waitangi in unity with other Chiefs of Nu Tireni to see the words have the correct meaning and communicate the intent, which we so acknowledge and thus in agreeance we make our marks.