1. Among indigenous cultures, Māuri are renowned for their integrity and constitution. Embracing the freedom paved by our tupuna (ancestors), we live in tika, pono and aroha (What is just, truth and love). We, Ko te wakaminenga o ngā Hapū o Nu Tireni, do our best to uphold our manakitanga (hospitality). Whether it is during gathering of Hapū, Tauiwi Collectives or even the public, we like to take the time to make sure everyone is happy and heard. 2. Because each Hapū holds the paramount authority over their Rohe (territory), authority across the country is decentralised. When two or more Hapū unite in their kaupapa (core purpose), they often form a Wakaminenga. This unity is generally part of a larger Regional Wakaminenga. The Hapū in each Wakaminenga gather through tika, pono and aroha to form Ko te wakaminenga or Ko te wakaminenga o ngā Hapū o Nu Tireni in full. |
3. Collectively we recognise a process prescribed in He wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni (Proclamation of Sovereign State of the New Territories). This document was officially signed and internationally acknowledged in October of 1835, after 28 years of negotiation. He wakaputanga was significant in that it was the foundation of the more widely known Te Tiriti o Waitangi of 1840 (Native tongue prevails). Te Tiriti granted Queen Victoria a privilege to establish the 'Realm of New Zealand', the administrative governance (Public Service), to see that Customary Law is upheld. Whereas common law exists in the public service. Whilst adhering to the agreement between ngā Rangatira (Māuri Chiefs), and the English Crown. The decentralised process of governance and leadership between the Hapū outlined in He wakaputanga can be adopted by any ethnicity living in their Ancestral Territory. 4. We are currently in the process of developing the most regenerative and harmonic living environments available to us. We do this in the name of humanity with a focus on the rangatahi & tamariki (teenagers & children). Some of the areas we are currently focusing on are: Rongo & Hauora (Wellbeing & Healthcare Centres). Tupuna Whenua, Taonga and Papakainga (Ancestral Land, Sacred resources and Housing & Shelter). Tikanga, Tino Rangatiratanga & Mātauranga (Rights, Law & History/Lore and Education). 5. Ready to take action and explore further? Discover your involvement by delving into our 'ONBOARDING PROCESS' page. Join our inclusive movement towards regenerative living and cultural revitalization. Start your journey now! |