PROCLAMATION GUIDANCE These are some of the Values and Acknowledgements that we Stand by... VALUES: We are in service to Humanity, especially the children. We are personally responsible for our Intellectual Property which is invaluable (ancestral knowledge, skills, etc). We stand with 'He Wakaputanga o Te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni' of 1835'and acknowledge 'Te Tiriti o Waitangi of 1840'. We agree with the general idea that 'He Wakaputanga o Te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni of 1835' expresses (proclamation of Māori sovereignty). We guide and take care of Children and Elderly. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We are living soul(s) incarnate in the physical reality. We have the absolute right to Self-determination and the Sovereign state. We find this the best form of articulation within our current awareness. We experience personal lawful authority and human rights. We experience the right and use of names and certificates. |